Manipura Chakra - Don't play with me coz you're playing with FIRE!

Please allow me to introduce this “lustrous gem” of the chakra system:

MANIPURA - (meaning “lustrous gem”)

  • The Potent One - Manipura chakra is said to be the source of our individual personal power

  • The Governor of Digestion - it directly and indirectly impacts the digestion of not just food but also thoughts, emotions, experiences.

  • The Manifestress - it facilitates KRIYA SHAKTI. Kriya Shakti is the ability to bring ideas and vision in to action in the material realm.

  • The Transformer - the FIRE element of this chakra is what helps burn the dross (the impure substance- destructive behaviours, thoughts) and enables one to move beyond the binds that keep one in a contracted state of living. Through balancing the fire of Manipura chakra we are more able to extract the teaching and growth from situations that challenge. 

And pray tell... what else does a tamed fire offer through it's lustrous gem-like qualities? 

  • A Balanced sense of self - meaning "I am comfortable (overall) with myself AND the choices I make in my life". 

  • The lustrous GLOW - when Manipura is stable, there’s an allure 😉. It’s the radiance of the fire.  Just as people are drawn to a fire on a cold day or dark night, when there is an inner warmth and sense of self worth within (stable manipura chakra), there’s a shimmer, a magnetism present. Life around us notices it. It’s in the eyes, skin, voice, auric field . It attracts people, places and things.

A little too HOT STUFF BABY? What happens when this FIRE is overly- fuelled?

When the FIRE is excessive- there is too much “trying” and force. Effort is abhyasa in Sanskrit. The Yoga sutras highlight that equanimity in the mind comes from a harmonious interplay of effort (abhyasa) and surrender (viragya). 

Butting heads? It might be interesting to know that a ram (male sheep) is the animal symbol associated with Manipura chakra. You may be aware that a ram can butt heads with obstacles such as gates, people etc. Anything that gets in their way or stands as a challenge. Hence when the fire is overly fuelled, an individual can find themsleves “butting” anything they perceive as an obstacle on their path. 

Low inner flame?

Low inner fire is illustrated in a deflated sense of self. 

It sounds like this: “I'm not good enough”“it’s never going to happen for me”

One can also be pulled in to the “compare and despair” modes. And the “I ll never be as a good XYZ”.

Low fires can also mean there is a difficulty manifesting and following through with decisions. Are you someone that often starts things and has an issue following through with projects, relationships (especially when they become more challenging?).

This Li’l LIGHT of MINE: Let it shine!

YAJNA - is fire ritual.

It’s a huge part of Vedic and Tantric ceremony. The fire being the catalyst for transformation. 

You don’t need to create an epic ceremony in your urban or rural abode...😉 (likely neighbours and authorities won’t be so supportive!), however you CAN do something as simple as lighting a candle each morning. Consider using this a way to remember the FIRE and the balanced qualities of MANIPURA chakra. You might also feel comfortable asking for the willingness to grow; to let the light of the flame show you a way to move beyond that which is keeping you BOUND

Want to learn more about your inner fire and how to culminate greater health, body, mind and in relationships?

Book in for a session with me

Emily Reed