The Solar Eclipse (Surya Grahan) & the power of Affirmation & Prayer

Today we have a solar eclipse here in India.

The Eclipse or "celestial wonder" as it is being called is said to be the first one of its kind in c. 400 years!

What’s all the fuss about?

At a basic level acknowledging the eclipse with a little affirmation or prayer (mantra- as it is called in Sanskrit) is a way of acknowledging something that is far greater then ME, MYSELF and I!

For thousands of years in ancient cultures and customs- eclipses, especially sun eclipses (when the moon covers the sun) are times of where potent energy fields in the cosmos are unleashed. We may not feel it initially as humans when we are so stuck in the noise and density of cities, social media etc. But hark this message - these eclipses are powerful times. We are also in a vulnerable position in our minds and bodies and would do best to sit and offer a moment of prayer or conscious thought  (perhaps in the form of a mantra) for our health and happiness and that of the planet. 

We are all part of a greater cycle: Microcosm of the macrocosm

All cycles in nature whether we like it or not affect us at some level. 

We may genuinely believe this does not happen, that we can train ourselves to to be affected by nature by popping pills, medication, surgery etc.

But we are biological organisms made up (as it is said in ancient Vedic philosophy and other cultures that came after) of the qualities of 5 elements- earth, water, fire, air and ethers. 

Whether is a shift int he elements in the outisde cosmos- there is an shift on our own internal cosmos.

Holy moly MANTRAs!

Mantras, prayers, affirmations are powerful tools to use whilst an eclipse is transiting.

Here at Vaidyagrama the Ayurvedic healing village I have frequented for the least 8 years.. we sit and say prayers for healing as individuals and for the collective, planet. 

Mantras, prayers, affirmations used during solar eclipses are said to be AMPLIFIED a thousand fold. 

The word MANTRA is a Sanskrit word - coming from two root words- “manas" - meaning mind and “tra” from the word “trayati”  meaning to expand or move beyond/cross over. 

Hence a mantra, is a repetitive sound or prayer used to cross over the whirlings of the lower mind and tap in to the higher mind/higher self (Buddhi).

Mantras create an inner vibration when repeated so that we move beyond attachment to the body, ageing, youth, being a person of certain ”status” etc and helps connect us back to the TRUE essence. Our rasa. Rasa- meaning the juice or pure essence of who we are as spiritual beings having human experience. 

An excellent mantra I am using today through this eclipse is a Sanskrit one affirming something along the lines of:

"I am willing to welcome abundance, health, wealth, love and prosperity in to my life and the lives of others today”.

Here is the Sanskrit wording for those interested:

Siddha Lakshmi 

moksha Lakshmir 

jayalakshmi saraswathi,

Sri lakshmir vara Lakshmi cha 

prasanna bhava sarvada.

Personal Affirmations & Prayers for YOU:

I help people create their own affirmations and offer Sanskrit mantras to bring about overall positive transformation and change. This is even more powerful when combines with EFT techniques. 

Message me for me to arrange a session. 

I wish you a wonderful end to your festive month. 

With love and warmth from the heart.

Emily xxx

5 Elements, One to oneEmily Reed